Deprivation, Despair and Death at Envigo | PETA Investigation

2021-11-12 10:08:43 By : Ms. Paulina Yang

According to PETA's evidence, a team of officials from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspected the factory for multiple days.

These dogs have no beds, no toys, no excitement-no real life. For more than 50 years, various companies have raised them on this dog factory farm and sold them to laboratories for experiments.

These dogs were kept in a shed as long as a football field. When hundreds of dogs barked at the same time, their voices were deafening. The noise level reached more than 117 decibels-louder than a rock concert-of course, dogs can't get rid of the almost constant noise. Dogs’ hearing is much more sensitive than humans—they hear sounds we can’t hear, and they are far away.

Crowded and stressful environments can cause animal fights, which usually result in injuries, especially ear injuries.

Over the years, female dogs have been repeatedly raised. Many people gave birth to puppies on the hard floor.

A supervisor found that a pregnant dog had a fever. The next day, a worker found that she was "dead-as stiff as a wooden board", "There are two puppies inside,... they have torn her uterus [and] just floating in her abdomen. It's like. ...The her belly. I think this caused a large-scale infection."

One Monday, PETA investigators found a puppy in the cage. Its body had been split and was decomposing. It was locked in the cage with the puppy's mother and litter. A worker said: "The puppy may have been there since Friday."

Some puppies fell from the holes in the cage, and finally fell into the sewer, soaked and covered with feces, bedding and excrement. Usually, they cannot survive.

PETA investigators brought a puppy like this to the supervisor and the site manager, and they replied: "Damn it." When the staff discussed putting the puppy with a nearby nursing dog, the site manager talked about the room The dog said, “Honestly, these bastards are so closely related... We may not be that far away.” The next morning, PETA investigators found that the puppy was dead.

The staff tried to inject the euthanasia solution into their hearts, and they were conscious and able to feel the needle pierce their chest, thereby putting down some puppies, which is contrary to the veterinary guidelines for euthanasia.

A worker denied that he needed to calm a sober puppy to put her down, and the puppy raised her head. When the PETA investigator pointed out that "she is still... awake", the staff member did not respond. He just inserted the needle into the animal's chest and injected the solution.

A supervisor is aware of this practice and knows that at least one worker is involved. Some workers do little—or not at all—to verify whether the animal has died before putting the animal in the plastic bag.

Careless spraying can also make food moldy and rot, and maggots can sometimes infect puppies' food.

In addition, the facility keeps cats in desolate rooms, where they need urgent attention.

When dogs are sick or injured, non-professional workers try to diagnose and treat them.

A supervisor inserted a needle into the puppy's head without using anesthetics or analgesics, and brutally tried to drain fluid from the wound. The puppy yelled loudly—so the supervisor tried to shut his mouth.

Workers who are not veterinarians—not even veterinary technicians—cut the prolapsed tissue from the puppy’s eyes, suture the dog’s prolapsed penis, and even cut the puppy from the sedated dog’s abdomen before putting the bitch down. .

They are expected to conduct an "autopsy" by cutting open the remains of the puppies to determine the cause of their death.

The workers are also responsible for pressing the puppies’ ear clips into the puppies’ ears—under the watchful eyes of their mothers—and then rubbing paint in the resulting holes to tattoo them. Dozens of puppies were tattooed three times-the first time was the wrong message, the second time was the wrong place with an "X", and then the desired tattoo.

In the last 48 hours of getting along with the puppies, the workers deliberately deprived breastfeeding mothers of food. According to a supervisor, the USDA inspector told the management in July to feed the dogs on their last day, but the supervisor refused and continued to refuse to feed the bitch half a cup of kibbles.

After telling the PETA investigator and another staff member that the nursing dog was "not being fed", the supervisor warned, "[I] If too many people know this, it will leave what we are doing. Then it will get worse." Later, the supervisor encouraged the workers to say that they were feeding their breastfeeding mothers-if they were asked about this-even if they were instructed not to do so.

Experiments on these beagles and other animals are cruel and immoral, but did you know that an astonishing 90% of basic research (most of which involves animals) failed to bring treatments to humans? However, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the largest research funder in the United States, devotes nearly half of its annual budget to animal research. Every year, $19.6 billion is lost.

We need a better method-the scientists at PETA have already figured it out. The research modernization agreement outlines a roadmap and strategy for optimizing our country’s investment in disease treatment research by ending funding for animal experiments and investing in research related to humans.

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If you think you are capable of conducting such an undercover investigation, we hope to hear from you. Click here to thank the investigator who exposed this cruel behavior.

PETA is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) company.